For Students
43% of students reported skipping meals to afford textbooks
31% of students reported taking fewer classes to save on textbook costs
81% of students report that digitally-accessible course materials would improve the quality of their educational experience
72% count cost effectiveness as VERY important when selecting digital course materials
Of college costs, the cost of textbooks was the main stressor for students, more than food and healthcare.
Cengage Learning. (2018). Today's Learner: Student Views. Retrieved from:
For Higher Education
Hilton III, J. L., Fischer, L., Wiley, D., & William, L. (2016). "Maintaining Momentum Toward Graduation: OER and the Course Throughput Rate." The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning. 17(6).
Faculty are able to contribute to open scholarship and promote information equity, while customizing materials for their courses.
Cost kept 2.4 million middle and low income college-qualified high school students from completing college.
Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance. (2006). "Mortgaging Our Future: How Financial Barriers to College Undercut America's Global Competitiveness. A Report of the Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance." Retrieved from: