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Nursing: NCLEX-RN Exam Prep

NCLEX-RN Examp Prep Links & Instructions

Select the link above and follow the instructions below to get started with EBSCO LearningExpress' NCLEX-RN Prep.

  1. Go down to the expanded Nursing Section of the Career Preparation page from LearningExpress.

    Nursing section expanded on the Career Preparation page on the EBSCO LearningExpress.
  2. Select the desired link.

  3. Select your preferred prep tool by clicking "Sign In or Register to Begin."

    NCLEX-RN Exam prep choices and sign in or register options buttons.
  4. If you already have a login for EBSCO LearningExpress, input your credentials and login. If you do not have an EBSCO LearningExpress login, select the "Register" button and complete and submit the form on the Register page.

    Log in page for EBSCO LearningExpress.
    Register form for EBSCO Learning Express