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644 James B. Hunt Dr.
Mount Olive, NC 28365
(919) 658-7869
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Recreation & Leisure: Google Scholar

Setup UMO as your School in Google Scholar

  1. Navigate to Google Scholar at

  2. Click on the Menu bars ( menu bars in google scholar from the top-left of the page. ) in the top-left corner and select the label Settings

    Google Scholar menu expanded with the Settings label surrounded by a red square.
  3. On the Settings page in the top-left, click the label Library Links.

    Google Scholar Settings page with the label Library Links in the top-left of the page surrounded by a red square.
  4. On the Library Links page in the search bar, search for "University of Mount Olive". You should see two results: "University of Mount Olive - Journal Finder" and "University of Mount Olive - Get it @ UMO Library" - select both of these and click the button labeled Save.
    Google Scholar Library Links page with University of Mount Olive searched and two selections selected and surrounded by a red square:

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