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644 James B. Hunt Dr.
Mount Olive, NC 28365
(919) 658-7869
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  • UMO Faculty
  • UMO Adjunct Faculty

Collection Development

Print Resource Requests

The faculty is encouraged to make recommendations for additions to the library collection in support of their curriculum. Choice book reviews will be circulated to the departments for suggestions for purchase. Order cards are available for submission of individual requests. Publisher catalog, brochures, etc. may be submitted providing choices are clearly marked. E-mail requests are accepted. Requests should be directed to Pamela Wood. Requests for print sources through the Resource Request Form listed below.

Electronic Resource Requests

The faculty is also encouraged to make recommendations regarding subscriptions to academic journals. Additions are subject to the approval of the department chairperson and the director of library services. Titles for consideration should be submitted in September. Subscriptions are usually on an annual basis, beginning January 1. Electronic resource requests should be made through the Resource Request Form below.

When requested materials are available for use, the faculty member requesting the material will receive a notification slip or email. A list of all new materials cataloged is published monthly on the "New Books” document. A link to the "New Books" document is located at the bottom of the Moye Library homepage.

Course Reserves

Currently held library materials and the instructor’s personal copies of print material may be put on reserve at the circulation desk. The loan period is determined by the instructor. Typical loan periods are 2 hours, 1 day, 3 days, or one week. The default loan period is 2 hours of in-library use only. One copy of the material for reserve should be submitted. The library staff will determine the need for additional copies, including photocopies. Copyright guidelines must be followed. Please fill out the linked form below for each reserve request. The full PDF detailing our course reserve policy is available below the form link. 

Permalinking Information

Permalinking and using a proxy stanza is necessary to access resources when you are off-campus. We suggest that students and faculty alike use permalinks with the our proxy stanza at the head of the links for the articles and eBooks from Databases, so the links can be. The below link will give more information about using permalinks.
The current proxy stanza:


Materials from the library collection are available for checkout to faculty for a period of three months. Audiovisual materials, including CDs and DVDs, are included. If materials are needed for a longer period, please contact the Moye Library. Faculty members at the locations other than Mount Olive may check Moye Library's online catalog for materials and request them to be mailed to the location.

If you are looking for a certain book or article that you don't have access through Moye LIbrary, you may request that article or book through Interlibrary Loan.

Information Literacy Instruction for Classes

A librarian will provide customized information literacy instruction for your classes, highlighting holdings, electronic resources and research techniques related specifically to the course or assignment. For more information and to request a session, please contact Wes Warren. You may request a session by filling out the electronic form below.


Please complete and submit the following form to request a customized information literacy tutorial created by a librarian from Moye Library. The information you supply will be used to plan the tutorial for your students so that the instruction matches their information needs and your goals.

The two most common formats for a tutorial are:

  • Video
  • PDF (from PowerPoint or Word)

Tutorials can be embedded in Moodle for either seated or online classes. Tutorials can also be added to Research Guides.

Research shows that the optimal length of an instructional video as far as maintaining viewer attention is under six minutes and absolutely no more that 15 minutes. Depending on what topic(s) you want to cover, the best plan may be to create a series of short, single-topic videos instead of one long video.

Request a Custom Research Guide

Research guides are online resources that can be used to link students to resources, tutorials, library content, and research help. You may request a guide using the form below. Please note that guide creation must include collaboration between the requesting faculty member or department and the librarian creating the resource. 

If you would like a custom guide created for your department, subject-area, course, or topic of interest, please let us know using this form. For examples of current guides, please see our Research Guides page

Research Assistance

Research assistance is available in-person and virtually for students, faculty, and staff. Most people make individual requests, but small group requests are also welcome and may be useful for group projects. 

We provide help in the following formats: 

  • In-person at Moye Library
  • Zoom 
  • Chat box on the library website (This service is 24/7, except on federal holidays when it is offline.) 
  • Email
  • Phone

Research assistance can include anything from a quick question about finding a book to an in-depth, personalized session that will teach you how to search multiple databases and expertly navigate the research process.

We're able to help with anything related to the research process including developing your topic, finding and using library resources (books, eBooks, databases, etc.), evaluating the reliability and usefulness of information, citing sources, and much more. You can drop in once or meet with us regularly, depending on what works best for you. 

If you would like to make an appointment in advance, please use the electronic form below. 

Copyright Information