Steps to search for articles:
(If you want to use the advanced search option recommended for research papers, see the video below.)
- Select the "Articles" tab on the Moye Library search box.
- Type your subject in the search box.
- Select "full text" and "peer-reviewed" at the bottom of the box to find articles that are available for immediate download and are peer-reviewed. You may also leave this blank and filter your choices in your search results.
- After you click "Search" and receive your search results, place limits on your search.
- Examples include:
- Check the checkbox by "University of Mount Olive Moye Library" under the Library category on the left side of your search results page to limit to items available at Moye Library.
- Choose the "peer-reviewed," "full-text," or "open access" under the Format category to limit your results.
- Check an author's name under "Author" to limit your search results to a specific author.