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Academic Research in Education: How to Find Books, Articles and eBooks

Academic Research in Education was created for EDU 492

What's on this Page

This page will give you instructions for finding and accessing materials available at Moye Library. Many of our resources are available online, so you do not need to come to the library to use our resources. This page will show you how to find books, articles, and streaming video, as well as how to do a basic search and an advanced search of library databases. 

Most of our videos are available through NCLive. NCLive is accessible at some public schools and public libraries in North Carolina. These videos are well-suited to education.

Books and eBooks

basic search box with "preschool curriculum" in search box text and "All Book Formats" radio button selected.

Steps to search for books and eBooks: 

  1. Select the "Books" button on the Moye Library search box.
  2. Type your subject in the search box.
  3. Select All (default), Print Books, or eBooks at the bottom of the box.
  4. After you click "Search" and receive your search results, place limits on your search.
    • Examples include:
      • Check the checkbox by "University of Mount Olive Moye Library" under the Library category on the left side of your search results page to limit to items available at Moye Library. 
      • Choose the "print book" or "eBook" under the Format category to limit your resutls to a physical book or an eBook. 
        • If you are online or a distance student, eBooks are available for immediate use and, often, more than one person can use them at one time. 
      • Check an author's name under "Author" to limit your search results to a specific author. 


articles search box selected with text: instructional methods in early childhood in search box. Full text and peer-reviewed buttons are checked

Steps to search for articles: 

(If you want to use the advanced search option recommended for research papers, see the video below.)

  1. Select the "Articles" tab on the Moye Library search box.
  2. Type your subject in the search box.
  3. Select "full text" and "peer-reviewed" at the bottom of the box to find articles that are available for immediate download and are peer-reviewed. You may also leave this blank and filter your choices in your search results. 
  4. After you click "Search" and receive your search results, place limits on your search.
    • Examples include:
      • Check the checkbox by "University of Mount Olive Moye Library" under the Library category on the left side of your search results page to limit to items available at Moye Library. 
      • Choose the "peer-reviewed," "full-text," or "open access" under the Format category to limit your results. 
      • Check an author's name under "Author" to limit your search results to a specific author. 

How to do a Basic Search in Worldcat Discovery

How to Do an Advanced Search in Worldcat Discovery