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644 James B. Hunt Dr.
Mount Olive, NC 28365
(919) 658-7869
644 James B. Hunt Dr., Mount Olive, NC 28365 | (919) 658-7869

Moye Library Orientation

Print Books

Coming from High School, you may be more familiar with using the Dewey Decimal Classification, but Moye Library uses the Library of Congress (LOC) Classification. LOC Classification is grouped by subject. For example, if you are looking for the Alice Walker book The Color Purple, you will also find criticisms about The Color Purple in the same section.

Searching for Print Books

  1. From the Library's Homepage, type your Search Term in the text box, select the "Books" radio button under the Format heading, and click the search button.
    Search Box on Moye Library's homepage with the
  2. From the left-side of the WorldCat Discovery Results page under Format, you will notice that "Book" is already selected, now you should select "Print Book under "Book."
    WorldCat Discovery results page with Books, and Print Books selected under Format on the left side of the page.
  3. After selecting a book, on the book's WorldCat Discovery's item page, you can find the book's LOC call number (unique identifier that indicates the book's location on the shelves) under the "Moye Library" section. Make sure this section indicates that the book is available with a green check next to the word "Available."
    WorldCat Discovery item page for a book showing the 'Moye Library' section with the book's shelf, call number, and availability indicated.
  4. The books are organized alphabetically and numerically on the shelves. If you aren't comfortable searching through the shelves or are having a hard time finding the book, feel free to ask one of the library staff to help. We are always more than happy to help any way that we can.

    The Library of Congress Classification System (LC)
    (Created by the University System of Georgia): This page will give you instructions on how to read LOC call numbers.


eBooks are a great way to do research as you can search with in a book and jump around to different chapters/sections easily. You can also make notes electronically. Below are a couple of our biggest and best eBook databases: