Your High School Library
Your College Library
The library was probably a little smaller.
We have 2 floors, around 70,000 print books, and over 200,000 online resources. The library building is big, but our print collection represents less than 1/3 of Moye Library's resources. Our online resources include digital books, articles, streaming video, and more. All of this is available from any location with an internet connection and a current UMO username and password. (This is the same as your Moodle username and password.)
You found things with the Dewey Decimal System.
Books are arranged using Library of Congress Classification. Each book has a set of letters and numbers that tell something about its subject area and topic. Each set of letters and numbers identify what the book is and where it is on the shelf. Materials are arranged by subject, but the subjects are much more specific than what you might find at your public library.
You were limited to the materials available in the library and on NCLive.
You are not limited to the materials in Moye Library, if you plan ahead. Our Discovery searching system (the search box on the Library homepage) searches Moye Library AND other libraries worldwide. You can request materials from any library in the country through Interlibrary Loan. The interlibrary loan page on the linked from the library homepage provides more information on this service.
Google was your "go to" for research.
Library databases provide access to information specific to your area of study. You will be encouraged to use library resources. While Google is a useful tool, it finds information from every corner of the internet and does not base search results on the quality of the information. The information found in a Google search will most likely not be scholarly. (Scholarly information is written for an academic audience and is reviewed by experts in a subject area. Most of your professors will require that you use scholarly sources.)
Google Scholar does find scholarly sources, but it often does not provide access to the full text of the articles that it finds. If you find something on Google Scholar that is not available in full-text, there's a good chance it is available at our library or can be requested (for free) from another library by one of our librarians.
Help was only available during school.
We have a 24/7 library chat box on the homepage that is available after hours where you can get help from another librarian at any time. (The only time it is "closed" is on federal holidays.) All librarians on chat have access to our databases and can help with most of your questions. If the librarian on chat cannot answer your question, our librarians will get an email the next morning to follow up with you.
Visiting the library was usually a class trip...or a hassle.
You can visit us anytime...and most students visit us outside of class. If you can't make it in to see us, we can help you virtually.
We have comfy couches, study space, and study rooms. We are open until 11 PM on every weekday except Fridays. We make virtual research help appointments with students in addition to providing help on demand.
Expectations for research and writing were more flexible.
Expectations are laid out at the beginning of the class and are usually more specific. If your expectations are not as specific as you would like, talk with your professor to clarify things. If your topic needs to be more specific and you are not sure how to make that happen, a library staff member or the Writing Center can assist you too!
Your papers were informed by the point you wanted to make, instead of letting your research inform what point you choose to make.
Your papers will be driven by the research that you do and the information that you find, rather than a point you want to make. Remember, research is a process and we're here to help you with it!
You probably did not use multiple citation styles, like APA and Chicago.
You'll be required to use and learn one or more citation style. We can help you with any citation style or writing style that your professor assigns.
The library was just a place to get books.
We have a popular reading collection, eBooks, audiobooks, language learning and college planning tools, a dedicated Curriculum Collection for future educators, and reliable information on almost any topic. We can help you find and access any information that you need, even if you need information unrelated to an assignment. All of your reference requests are confidential to the library.
We don't care what you are looking for, we just care that you find reliable information.